The national project “eHealth Hubs & MetaHub” coordinated by the eHealth platform is meant to make medical results from hospitals (and in the near future medical laboratories) available to any caregiver who currently is treating the patient . For detailed information see and the URL in the next paragraph. This system supplements the traditional system of addressed ‘email type’ communication to individual referrers.
Before medical data about a patient can be shared, that patient has to grant the ‘eHealth informed consent’ (see ).
Further, care providers declare a therapeutic relationship with the patient.
Communication between the hubs and between external physicians and a hub is according to the KMEHR standard:
The scope of this project is confined to the hub exploited by VZNKUL (Vlaams Ziekenhuis Netwerk KU Leuven) implementation of this hub system. The central metahub hub from the Belgian government, the other hubs, and the systems at other partners of this project are out of scope.