We’ve added *.sqills.team to the Sqills programme
5/22/2023, 7:28:34 AM (almost 2 years ago)

Researchers, we are happy to announce that we have recently added *.sqills.team to the Sqills Intigriti programme.
This domain is used by our DevOps team for testing and deploying their own tools and proof of concept (PoC) development.
Adding this domain opens up additional possibilities, and because our DevOps teams use it for PoC, we fully expect it may be open to additional exploits or vulnerabilities that we are currently not aware of.

Happy hunting!

Note on intrusive scanning
6/28/2021, 2:29:55 PM (over 3 years ago)

Dear researchers,

We are currently experiencing heavy loads because of intrusive testing.
Please stop your heavy scanning and adhere to the limit of 5 requests / second, as stated in the program description.

Keep in mind the Intigriti code of conduct which expects you to adhere to program rules at all times.
